Wednesday, December 12, 2007


We are not a highly liturgical people (that is Baptists). However, we do look at the church calendar at Advent. This is a great time of year to look for Jesus' coming -- to live with expectation at what he will do in our lives. Sheri passed along a devotional website - Follow the Star.

There are many Advent traditions within families, and within church families. For Northwest we decorate the sanctuary and pull out the Advent candles. For the past few years we have coupled families of the church reading scripture and lighting the candles. This year we are using a video series from WorshipHouse Media called the Advent Journey.

I am interested in your family's traditions for Advent as well as your Church family's traditions. What do you remember as Advent traditions growing up or in other churches you have been to?

Northwest Gets Good Press

Well, there is a hole in the ground. Construction has started!! Hallelujah!! Northwest got some good press last week in the Wauwatosa paper about the new construction and the tutoring ministry.

Monday, December 3, 2007

Resources for Music and Worship

Just want to pass along a couple of resources that I find really helpful in music ministry. It seems there is a magazine for everybody these days, and worship team members are not left out. Here are two great magazines with helpful articles and features for each member of the team.

First, Worship Musician Magazine is "a bi-monthly resource devoted to equipping congregations and individuals as they seek to lead a life of Christ-centered worship. Each issue is aimed at helping those who play a part in the worship of their local church - including worship leaders, musicians, songwriters, grassroots worshipers - and the pastors or elders overseeing this aspect of congregational life. They can all take encouragement from features on practical, inspirational and theological issues."

A sister magazine to this is Christian Musician Magazine. This is "a bi-monthly publication that provides practical training in easy to understand articles by some of the best musicians in Christian Music. Also featured are great interviews with your favorite artists, as well as up-and-comers."

Both are relatively inexpensive at $25 per year (since they are bi-monthly that is 6 issues). If you subscribe to both (as I do) you can get both for $45. Or I guess since you know I subscribe you could just borrow mine.

Lastly, a great magazine is Relevant Magazine (This is not connected to Relevant Radio). Their focus is "God - Life - Progressive Culture". Really appeals to the 20-30 year old demographic (or helpful if you are trying to understand the 20-30 something age group). However, the latest cover was of Bob Dylan. Go figure. By far a better produced magazine than the other two, and a much better price. There are 7 issues/year. A one-year subscription is $15, and two year subscription is $20.

These make great gifts for those musicians, worshipers, or 20 somethings on your list.


Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Christain Big Band Music

Christian Big Band Music? What will they think of next. Check out Denver and the Mile High Orchestra. The will blow your socks off. They have some great Christmas music. Check out some of their tunes. Especially check out the arrangement of Little Drummer Boy. God can be glorified in whatever you do, as long as you do it for His Glory. The style of music does not matter. This is a great Christmas gift.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

I am trying out a new method of communication for the worship team. New to me -- not new. Please nobody tell me that blogs are so 2005. I have a website for the team. Please check out Northwest Church Worship. I will have schedules and set list and the like on there. If anyone would like to blog from this site, let me know and I can add you on.