Sunday, November 25, 2007

I am trying out a new method of communication for the worship team. New to me -- not new. Please nobody tell me that blogs are so 2005. I have a website for the team. Please check out Northwest Church Worship. I will have schedules and set list and the like on there. If anyone would like to blog from this site, let me know and I can add you on.


Unknown said...

Hi Matt -
LOVE the web site. Not sure how much the blog thing will be useful, but you never know unless you try, right? I feel too busy to blog - I like face-to-face or phone-to-phone contact better. BUT I know that is not always possible. Thanks for all that you've done to try to communicate better with all of us.

Tom Harrington said...

Hey Matt,

This looks like a great way to stay in touch and share worship related ideas. Thank you for putting this together!


Unknown said...


I like the blog, too! All the ideas you have are great -- and they all work.


Anonymous said...

Great idea, Matt. I look forward to blogging with anyone else concerning worship team related items. Especially since I am a first time "blogger"!


Greg Weiland